Your personality, in colours

April 28th, 2022

Written by Katy Maude

“The real business of life is trying to understand each other”- Gilbert Parker

Personality. The most important factor when forming relationships. A characteristic way of thinking, feeling and behaving. Personality is most clearly expressed in interactions with other people, and this is where the importance of understanding each other comes in.

We spend the majority of our day in the workplace, so knowing how to interact and form relationships with your colleges really is key to making your work life enjoyable. Most of us spend on average a third of our lives at work, which is over 90,000 hours in a lifetime. So, in the grand scheme of things, taking a few moments to acknowledge those around you doesn’t seem too big of a task.

Because we don’t always see things the same way, we don’t all respond in the same way. To help make this interaction easier, our personalities can be divided into colours. Colour personality tests can be found online, they provide a description of your personality type based off the results and are really simple to follow. Not only will this discovery help you to psychologically understand your colleges better, but it will help you to know exactly how to interact with them in the most effective way. If you know how a person’s mind works and are able to recognise the colour they portray, the more likely you are to receive a better outcome when it comes to working as a team.

Everyone has their own individual way of dealing with both tasks and other people. Some like flexibility, others like structure. Some want the facts and others prefer detail.

Are you a Red?

Red’s take the role of a leader and often have senior positions within their workplace. This could be a Manager, Director, or even a CEO. Red wants to perform ahead of things and is indispensable for the achievement of seemingly impossible goals. Red’s willpower and sense of quality and perfection are often an inspiration for others. Red knows how to make the team achieve goals and is straight to the point when doing so. In this case, red’s need to be approached with the facts rather than the detail. So, confidence is key.

How to approach a Red: Be purposeful and don’t waste their time, as they can have little patience when it comes to waffling.

Are you a Blue?

Blue’s are observers. They like to take the logical steps when it comes to challenges and are often found in problem solving roles. Blue knows how to make the team work in a structured way and their accuracy ensures that mistakes are not being made easily. However, they highly value honesty and feedback, as this provides them with the chance to develop and evolve. Blue’s are insightful and full of ideas, and therefore like to be approached with all the necessary details.

How to approach a Blue: Providing Blue’s with elaborate propositions is the best way for them to engage in the conversation. Blue’s don’t appreciate vagueness, so, don’t be shy and say everything that’s on your mind.

Are you a Green?

Green’s take pride in their caring nature. They are the support system and strive to provide a safe place for those around them. They are often found in attentive roles such as teaching or therapy. Green is the talker and has a sense of harmony and calmness. They take values ​​and standards seriously. Green is there to listen. They can be slower paced in their thinking and don’t like “pushy” interactions.

How to approach a Green: In the case of a Green, sending an email before approaching would be a good idea, as being put on the spot is likely to be their worst nightmare!

Are you a Yellow?

Yellow’s are inspiring. They have a positive outlook on life and enjoy the freedom and ability to be spontaneous. They value offering creative solutions to workplace challenges. Yellow’s like flexibility and the ability to make unusual connections. They strive to be innovative when developing new ideas and know how to successfully motive those around them.

How to approach a Yellow: Yellow’s embrace every opportunity and don’t like their opinions to be suppressed. So, involve them and most importantly, approach them with an open mind.

We all have our own individual differences. Get to know your colleagues on a deeper level and create a positive environment by finding out how to interact and support each other successfully.

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